Collective Woes and Wisdom : Mantras for success from 150+ in-house service design practitioners
James Field, Ben McCammon
Touchpoint - Designing from Within 15 No. 3 (2024)
https://doi.org/10.30819/touchpoint.15-3.16 pp: 68-71 2024-12-06
Cite: APA BibTeX
Field, J., & McCammon, B. (2024). Collective Woes and Wisdom : Mantras for success from 150+ in-house service design practitioners. Touchpoint - Designing from Within, 15 (3), 68-71. doi:10.30819/touchpoint.15-3.16
doi = {10.30819/touchpoint.15-3.16},
url = {https://doi.org/10.30819/touchpoint.15-3.16},
year = 2024,
publisher = {Logos Verlag Berlin},
volume = {15},
number = {3},
pages = {68-71},
author = {James Field, Ben McCammon},
title = {Collective Woes and Wisdom : Mantras for success from 150+ in-house service design practitioners},
journal = {Touchpoint - Designing from Within}
‘The Circle’ is an international community of in-house service
design professionals meeting monthly to share, commiserate and
learn. Over 150 members past and present, from 21 countries,
have collectively contributed to hundreds of hours of recordings
and countless virtual sticky notes. Both of us have been members
from the start, joining in the hope we weren’t the only ones
struggling to adapt to the challenges of being in-house. Far from
having it all figured out, we continue to invest in this community
three years later, as it’s the only place we can hear so many candid
perspectives from our peers. Learnings from our conversations
aren’t covered by books on methods or easily found with a Google
search. So, we’re happy to share some of our collective wisdom and
woes, without breaking our community’s code of confidentiality.
(D) = innerhalb Deutschlands
(W) = außerhalb Deutschlands
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