
p-ISSN: 1868-6052
e-ISSN: 2940-2778

Touchpoint - Designing from Within

How to Work with In-House Service Design Client Types

Angélica Flechas, María Alejandra Corrales

Touchpoint - Designing from Within 15 No. 3 (2024)     pp: 65-67     2024-12-06
How to Work with In-House Service Design Client Types

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Flechas, A., & Corrales, M.A. (2024). How to Work with In-House Service Design Client Types. Touchpoint - Designing from Within, 15 (3), 65-67. doi:10.30819/touchpoint.15-3.15
doi = {10.30819/touchpoint.15-3.15},
url = {},
year = 2024,
publisher = {Logos Verlag Berlin},
volume = {15},
number = {3},
pages = {65-67},
author = {Angélica Flechas, María Alejandra Corrales},
title = {How to Work with In-House Service Design Client Types},
journal = {Touchpoint - Designing from Within}

Not all service design clients are the same. As a service designer, you need to adjust your engagement model accordingly, if you want to be successful. As a service design consulting firm, we have learned these lessons over the years while developing our in-house model. To determine the best approach for different client types, we developed a simple behavioral framework as part of our in- house model. The framework can be useful to other service design agencies, but also for organisations that hire agencies. Knowing the type of organisation you’re working with – or, if you’re an organisation, knowing your type – will help the engagement run smoothly and be successful.
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