
p-ISSN: 1868-6052
e-ISSN: 2940-2778


Designers' Influence on Implementing Service Design Projects: Findings from discussions within the global service design community

André Fleury, Cristiane Bertoldi, Camilla Annarumma, Maria Alice Gonzales, Rafael Toledo

Touchpoint 14 No. 3 (2023)     pp: 90-92     2024-03-11
Designers' Influence on Implementing Service Design Projects: Findings from discussions within the global service design community

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Fleury, A., & Bertoldi, C., & Annarumma, C., & Gonzales, M.A., & Toledo, R. (2023). Designers' Influence on Implementing Service Design Projects: Findings from discussions within the global service design community. Touchpoint, 14 (3), 90-92. doi:10.30819/touchpoint.14-3.17
doi = {10.30819/touchpoint.14-3.17},
url = {},
year = 2023,
publisher = {Logos Verlag Berlin},
volume = {14},
number = {3},
pages = {90-92},
author = {André Fleury, Cristiane Bertoldi, Camilla Annarumma, Maria Alice Gonzales, Rafael Toledo},
title = {Designers' Influence on Implementing Service Design Projects: Findings from discussions within the global service design community},
journal = {Touchpoint}

Addressing the persistent challenges implementing service design projects, this article focuses on how service design projects can transition from the drawing board towards implementation. Gathering insights from a workshop at ServDes 2023, it delves into key themes including prioritisation, engagement and the collaboration between service designers and other stakeholders, offering pathways to bridge this divide.
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