
p-ISSN: 1868-6052
e-ISSN: 2940-2778


Turning Workplaces into Employee Service Experiences: How to change the system without being its owner

Thomas Speicher

Touchpoint 14 (2023)     pp: 92-97     2023-08-18
Turning Workplaces into Employee Service Experiences: How to change the system without being its owner

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Speicher, T. (2023). Turning Workplaces into Employee Service Experiences: How to change the system without being its owner. Touchpoint, 14 , 92-97. doi:10.30819/touchpoint.14-1.19
doi = {10.30819/touchpoint.14-1.19},
url = {},
year = 2023,
publisher = {Logos Verlag Berlin},
volume = {14},
pages = {92-97},
author = {Thomas Speicher},
title = {Turning Workplaces into Employee Service Experiences: How to change the system without being its owner},
journal = {Touchpoint}

The future of work is a highly debated topic, and rightly so. Finding the best talent, dealing with their changing expectations towards employers, and the increasing (hopefully not yet exclusive) importance of technology for work mean that we need to focus on creating and actively shaping an optimal working environment. This is a challenge.
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