
p-ISSN: 1868-6052
e-ISSN: 2940-2778


Not Just a Training: Transforming Service Excellence in Healthcare

Danielle McGuinness, Jennifer Bloomfield, Michele Jacobs-Brown

Touchpoint 14 (2023)     pp: 64-68     2023-08-18
Not Just a Training: Transforming Service Excellence in Healthcare

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McGuinness, D., & Bloomfield, J., & Jacobs-Brown, M. (2023). Not Just a Training: Transforming Service Excellence in Healthcare. Touchpoint, 14 , 64-68. doi:10.30819/touchpoint.14-1.13
doi = {10.30819/touchpoint.14-1.13},
url = {},
year = 2023,
publisher = {Logos Verlag Berlin},
volume = {14},
pages = {64-68},
author = {Danielle McGuinness, Jennifer Bloomfield, Michele Jacobs-Brown},
title = {Not Just a Training: Transforming Service Excellence in Healthcare},
journal = {Touchpoint}

Healthcare workers worldwide have been stretched thin and pushed beyond their limits in the years since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. In one comparison of 27 industries, healthcare ranked last for employee satisfaction, and hospitals were ranked among the lowest in satisfaction by consumers. But employee burnout, dissatisfaction and turnover were simmering issues long before Covid-19 brought them to a boiling point. If healthcare workers don’t feel cared for or valued themselves, how can they be expected to provide empathetic, personalised care for their patients?
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