Polish-German Cooperation in the Field of Cultural Heritage: the Case of the European Park Association of Lusatia
Joanna Kurowska-Pysz, Peter Ulrich
Cultural Management: Science and Education 3 No. 2 (2019)
https://doi.org/10.30819/cmse.3-2.08 pp: 123-143 2019-12-16
Stichworte/keywords: Cultural heritage, cross-border cooperation, network cooperation, INTERREG Programme, Euroregion “Sprewa-Nysa-Bóbr/ Spree-Neiße-Bober”
Cite: APA BibTeX
Kurowska-Pysz, J., & Ulrich, P. (2019). Polish-German Cooperation in the Field of Cultural Heritage: the Case of the European Park Association of Lusatia. Cultural Management: Science and Education, 3 (2), 123-143. doi:10.30819/cmse.3-2.08
doi = {10.30819/cmse.3-2.08},
url = {https://doi.org/10.30819/cmse.3-2.08},
year = 2019,
publisher = {Logos Verlag Berlin},
volume = {3},
number = {2},
pages = {123-143},
author = {Joanna Kurowska-Pysz, Peter Ulrich},
title = {Polish-German Cooperation in the Field of Cultural Heritage: the Case of the European Park Association of Lusatia},
journal = {Cultural Management: Science and Education}
The article aims at assessing the possibilities of developing network cooperation at the Polish and Ger-man border, where cross-border bilateral partnerships dominate. The solution to this specific fact is analysed in a case study regarding a trans-border project dedicated to the protection of Polish-German cultural heritage, and using it to the advantage of the development of tourism within the border region. Based on this example, the authors analysed the factors contributing to the development of cross-bor-der network cooperation, the barriers which hinder it, as well as benefits of such cooperation forms. This article also touches on the role of the Euroregion “Sprewa-Nysa-Bóbr/Spree-Neiße-Bober” and the INTERREG VA Brandenburg - Poland Cooperation Program 2014-2020 in supporting the development of cross-border partnerships across the Polish-German border.
Abstract, Vita & References (PDF)
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(W) = außerhalb Deutschlands
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