Urban regeneration: stakeholders
and network. Case study of the “Ad Duas Lauros” eco-museum in Rome
Irene Litardi, Lavinia Pastore, Michele Trimarchi
Cultural Management: Science and Education 2 No. 1 (2018)
https://doi.org/10.30819/cmse.2-1.05 pp: 81-96 2018-06-30
Stichworte/keywords: Urban change, network, social engagement, cultural common goods, Rome
Cite: APA BibTeX
Litardi, I., & Pastore, L., & Trimarchi, M. (2018). Urban regeneration: stakeholders
and network. Case study of the “Ad Duas Lauros” eco-museum in Rome. Cultural Management: Science and Education, 2 (1), 81-96. doi:10.30819/cmse.2-1.05
doi = {10.30819/cmse.2-1.05},
url = {https://doi.org/10.30819/cmse.2-1.05},
year = 2018,
publisher = {Logos Verlag Berlin},
volume = {2},
number = {1},
pages = {81-96},
author = {Irene Litardi, Lavinia Pastore, Michele Trimarchi},
title = {Urban regeneration: stakeholders
and network. Case study of the “Ad Duas Lauros” eco-museum in Rome},
journal = {Cultural Management: Science and Education}
This article aims to analyse the role of urban stakeholders in promoting and developing regeneration through cultural projects in urban areas. This paper is part of a broader research started in 2015 con-cerning urban change processes (UCP) in big cities. The analysis presented here is the result of an in-depth case study based on the neighbourhood of Tor Pignattara in the city of Rome: the experience of the urban eco-museum Ad Duas Lauros. The authors focus on its urban stakeholders and their role in the creation of a network.
Abstract, Vita & References (PDF)