Vogelknochen aus Stadtgrabungen in RostockChristian Kastner, Ragnar KinzelbachArchiv Natur- und Landeskunde Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 55 (2018)https://doi.org/10.30819/anlk.55.01 pp: 3–8 2018-02-23 |
Stichworte/keywords: archeozoology, osteology, crested or Polish chicken, creeper fowl, avifauna, Rostock
In 1999–2000, excavations in the historic centre of Rostock unearthed animal bones dating back to the 13th until the 18th century. Within the scope of a research project avian bones out of the finds were determined. Initially, mammal bones were separated out and bones of domestic fowl, Gallus gallus domesticus, were identified selectively. Due to decomposition and damage as well as lack of comparative material, not each specimen could be identified. Consequently, the results are preliminary. – The share in wild birds was low: As to be expected, fowl bones prevailed the finds. Among them two extraordinarily shaped crania documented the Polish chicken, and shortened extremity bones indicated the occurrence of creeper fowl. Further taxa were Anatidae, Corvidae and Laridae. Special specimens were striking anatomical adhesions and further crania of three Corvidae and a tawny owl (Strix aluco).
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