
Cultural Management: Science and Education

Volume 6, No. 1 (2022)

158 Seiten
ISSN 2512-6962
price: 22.00 €


Designer as an Innovation Trigger for the SME Manufacturing Sector: An European joint Master’s degree program based on soft, digital, green, and design skills
Cristina Taverner, Fabio Ballerini, Margherita Vacca, Octavian Simion
pp: 9-28, 2022-07-11

Urban Cultural Hierarchy through the Lens of a National TV Reporting
Jan Sucháček
pp: 29-38, 2022-07-11

Scrum in Project Risk Management in Cultural Institutions
Alicja Krawczyńska
pp: 39-53, 2022-07-11

Analysis of ICT Implementation in Teaching and Learning using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP): A Comparison of Rural and Urban Areas in Kedah
Siew Chin Teoh, Chee Keong Ch’ng, Nerda Zura Zaibidi
pp: 55-69, 2022-07-11

Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis in the Cultural and Creative Sectors – Three Perspectives: International, National and the Cultural Entity
Katarzyna Żak
pp: 71-90, 2022-07-11

The Effect of Pondering over the Holy Quran on Science Habits of Mind of Grade Nine Students in Omani Schools
Shafiya Rashid Said ALGhammari, Shahlan Surat, Kamisah Osman
pp: 91-108, 2022-07-11

Green Marketing – a New Norm: a Qualitative Evidence of Green Marketing Challenges and Future Perspectives in High-Low Context Communication Cultures
Ilona Skackauskiene, Neringa Vilkaite-Vaitone
pp: 109-128, 2022-07-11

Remote Work and Other Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Enterprises and Cultural Management
Petra Horváthová, Kateřina Mokrá, Hana Štverková
pp: 129-153, 2022-07-11


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