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Cultural Management: Science and EducationVolume 5, No, 1 (2021)
145 Seiten |
The Professionalization of Cultural Managers in Spain
Laura del Valle Mesa, Saúl Lázaro Ortíz, Celeste Jiménez de Madariaga
pp: 9-24, 2021-07-15
Innovating the Music and Sound Management Model in Tourist Destinations
Diana Grgurić, Christian Stipanović
pp: 25-39, 2021-07-15
Design Culture in the Era of Industry 5.0: A Review of Skills and Needs
Cristina Taverner, Lubomira Trojan, Octavian Simion, Ewa Szkudlarek
pp: 41-58, 2021-07-15
The Role of Museums in a Digital World – Attracting Youth and Overcoming COVID19 Obstacles
Jelena Novakovic
pp: 59-68, 2021-07-15
Between Shared and Transformative Leadership: The Hybrid Leadership Model of the Cultural Centre “REX”
Marina Zec
pp: 69-78, 2021-07-15
Sociocultural Attitudes Regarding Gender Differences in Mathematics Education and Implications for Related Employment
Ezri Skital, Laurentiu-Gabriel Tiru
pp: 79-91, 2021-07-15
Improving the Availability of University Offerings for the Business Sector Based on Blended Learning Tools
Marcin Lis
pp: 93-103, 2021-07-15
Cross-border Cultural Cooperation as the Principle Paradiplomacy Form: Evidence from the Czech-Polish Borderland
Hynek Böhm, Wojciech Opioła, Jacek Siatkowski
pp: 105-124, 2021-07-15
Book Review: Kształtowanie relacji na polsko-czeskim transgranicznym rynku usług kultury [Shaping relations on the Polish-Czech cross-border market of cultural services] by Łukasz Wróblewski, Warsaw: Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, 2020
Magdalena Sobocińska
pp: 125-128, 2021-07-15
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