
Applied Ethnomusicology in Nepal. Preserving Traditional Music in South Asia

Musikkulturen im Fokus, Bd. 3

Fabian Bakels

ISBN 978-3-8325-5628-0
222 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2023
Preis: 53.00 €
Applied Ethnomusicology in Nepal. Preserving Traditional Music in South Asia
What are the implications of establishing a university department for ethnomusicology ``in the field''? How does this affect not only the local music culture but also the development of ethnomusicology? What are the advantages/disadvantages of an ethnomusicology curriculum giving as much importance to practical training in music as to theory classes?

At Kathmandu University's Department of Music in Bhaktapur, ethnomusicologists and professional musicians together support the sustainability of traditional music in Nepal by developing approaches that explore the space between ``keeping it as it is'' (conservation) and ``letting it disappear'' (non-interference). This book examines these efforts through an analysis of ethnomusicological research and teaching and the work of professional musicians involved in the development of new forms of popular music. It offers unique insights into a decades-spanning project of applied ethnomusicology, while also contributing to the discourse about musical sustainability and the localisation and practical application of ethnomusicology in South Asia and beyond.

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  • Ethnomusicology
  • Nepal
  • Traditional Music
  • Cultural Preservation
  • South Asia


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