
The Topography of Ancient Idalion and its Territory

Studia Cyprologica Berolinensia, Vol. 2

Stephan G. Schmid, Will M. Kennedy (eds.)

ISBN 978-3-8325-5399-9
350 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2024
Preis: 69.00 €
The Topography of Ancient Idalion and its Territory
The question of how to define the territories of the ancient polities (city-kingdoms) of Iron Age Cyprus is a fascinating, but also a very difficult one. While this topic has already been widely explored by previous scholarship, recent investigations that include both modern approaches, such as the application of landscape archaeological methodologies, as well as a re-evaluation of the available archaeological evidence from a new perspective, now offers a fresh take on such questions.

A workshop organized in Berlin in 2018 aimed at discussing additional information on the topography of the ancient city of Idalion and its hinterland. This volume therefore includes unique contributions that deal with a wide array of relevant aspects. They provide new information on the location, chronology and character of settlements, necropoleis and sanctuaries from the wider area of Idalion, and discuss important issues such as the continuity or discontinuity of settlement activities from the (Late) Bronze Age to the Iron Age and how this is reflected by material culture.

They address questions concerned with the physical control of territories and communication networks by considering Idalion’s resource availability and the overall development of its rural settlement pattern in contrast to that of its neighbouring polities.

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  • Archaeology of Cyprus
  • Landscape Archaeology
  • Ancient Topography
  • 1st Millenium BCE
  • Territoriality


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