
Autonomous and cooperative control of networked discrete-event systems

Markus Zgorzelski

ISBN 978-3-8325-5152-0
221 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2020
Preis: 51.00 €
Autonomous and cooperative control of networked discrete-event systems
This thesis considers networked discrete-event systems. The overall system is a network of subsystems, each of which includes a technical process modelled by an I/O automaton together with a controller and a network unit. These subsystems are interconnected by physical couplings and digital communication links. An important characteristic of the networked discreteevent systems is the partial autonomy of the subsystems, which is reflected by the fact that each subsystem solves its local tasks individually.

Cooperation among the subsystems becomes necessary if physical couplings or control specifications have to be resolved by two or more subsystems in order to satisfy the local tasks. Hence, the subsystems participate in satisfying cooperative tasks by adapting their behaviours while using the communication network without a coordinator. In these situations the following question arises: When and what information has to be exchanged by the subsystems and what should the structure of the communication network look like?

As a main result of this thesis, it is proved that the subsystems in the networked discrete-event system determine deadlock-free execution orders of cooperative tasks with distributed model information by using the communication network and solving their local tasks. The applicability of the cooperative control solution is demonstrated by means of a collaborative process at the Handling System HANS.

Markus Zgorzelski received his Bachelor in Electrical Engineering and Information Science from the Ruhr-Universität Bochum in 2011 and he received his Masters in Electrical Engineering and Information Science from the Ruhr-Universität Bochum in 2014. From 2014 to 2020 he was a scientific co-worker at the Institute of Automation and Computer Control, where he obtained his PhD. His research was focused on networked discrete-event systems.

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Inhaltsverzeichnis (PDF)


  • Networked discrete-event systems
  • Input/Output automata
  • Cooperative control
  • Target-state control
  • Handling system HANS


51.00 €
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