
Individual and Organizational Factors Surrounding Top Executive Turnover

Stephanie Brecht-Bergen

ISBN 978-3-8325-4673-1
223 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2018
Preis: 37.50 €
Individual and Organizational Factors Surrounding Top Executive Turnover
The author analyzes the multi-faceted phenomenon of top executive turnover from various theoretical angles and empirically shows how individual and organizational factors such as performance, compensation and gender relate to it. Managerial implications on how to deal with turnover in times of talent shortage are derived.

The book contributes to turnover research in three distinct ways. From a corporate governance perspective, it inspects potential antecedents and consequences of top executive dismissal with a focus on firm performance consequences. Taking a labor economics view, it scrutinizes compensation structure as a likely antecedent of voluntary turnover. From an OB and HRM angle, it examines gender as a characteristic of top executives and possible antecedent of turnover.

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Inhaltsverzeichnis (PDF)


  • Turnover
  • Dismissal
  • Top Management Team
  • Compensation
  • Gender


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