Complexity was already an issue when developing software in the early days of ICT. Software development is often done in projects that turn out to be exploratory in the sense that they aim at translating human voices, uttering requirements, into a machine-readable language. Requirements for the software to be build are usually not known at the beginning; the project must uncover them. Developing software without knowing the outcome in advance is a complex undertaking. Predicting the outcome of software projects by proven methods of civil engineering did not work out well.
Now, new levels of complexity arise with ICT. Agile approaches are appropriate for software development; however, predicting the outcome of projects still is difficult. New techniques must manage the growing levels of complexity within ICT. Fortunately, mathematics has provided these new techniques. They rely on transfer functions and Eigenwert theory. Its usefulness already has been proven in major search engines of this century. However, this is not the end of the story.
This books makes the mathematics of Lean Six Sigma transfer functions available to ICT practitioners. It provides the basic theory, explained with many examples, and even more suggestions, how Six Sigma Transfer Functions help with complex problems.
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