The Concept of the Supreme Being in Igbo Traditional Religion. A Critical Analysis for a Better Understanding
Isidore Chika Orjikwe
ISBN 978-3-8325-4338-9
236 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2016
Preis: 38.00 €
The contemporary Igbo Christians, while accepting the supremacy of God, are still easily prone to seek other causes and other solutions for the problems of their lives. They are quite satisfied to give God his due at mass and service on Sunday and go home and give
Amadioha (other deities) his due. This attitude of many Igbo Christians has been a cause to worry to the clergy and scholars. This attitude has also call the faith of the Igbo Christians and their concept of God as a Supreme Being to question. In this work the author tries to critically analyze the concept of the Supreme Being in Igbo traditional religion which is the religion from which the Igbo Christians were converted to Christianity. In doing this he analyzed Igbo traditional religion to find out whether it is a monotheistic or polytheistic religion; to know the position of
Chukwu in the cultic and social life of the Igbo and to know if the old religion (Igbo traditional religion) influences the attitude of the contemporary Igbo Christians and concluded by making some recommendations that can help the Igbo Christians stop living a double standard life.
Rev. Fr. Isidore Chika Orjikwe is an indigene of Uturu in Isukwuato Local Government Area of Abia State (Nigeria). He holds Bachelor's degree in Philosophy and Theology (Bigard Memorial Seminary Enugu, Nigeria). He was ordained a catholic priest in 2001. After his ordination he acquired a Post Graduate Diploma in Education (from Imo State University Owerri, Nigeria) and the doctorate from Julius Maximilian University Würzburg, Germany in 2015.
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- Supreme-Being
- Igbo-Religion
- Traditional-Beliefs
- Monotheism
- Polytheism
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