
The iCiF Model. Coaching and Interactive Feedback in Dance Education

José Biondi (Hrsg.)

ISBN 978-3-8325-4220-7
125 pages, year of publication: 2016
price: 19.90 €
The iCiF Model. Coaching and Interactive Feedback in Dance Education
Which teaching format best supports the individual development of students in dance education?

In the framework of the research project InnoLernenTanz at the Palucca University of Dance Dresden, José Biondi, professor of contemporary dance, has developed a coaching model for the group lesson in dance: the iCiF model. On the basis of a specifi cally developed category system, this model combines individual coaching and interactive feedback into a teaching method that motivates students to critically and reflectively deal with their own development possibilities.

The book illustrates the development, basic principles and evaluation of the coaching model. Worksheet templates allow for a direct application of the iCiF model in the dance class.

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Table of contents (PDF)


  • Dance education
  • Palucca University of Dance Dresden
  • Coaching model
  • Contemporary dance
  • Dance pedagogy


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