
International Sports Studies

Vol 35 No. 2 (2013)

Journal of the International Society for
Comparative Physical Education and Sport

ISBN 978-3-8325-3619-0
64 pages, year of publication: 2014
price: 19.00 €

Exploring provision and practice of physical education and gender equity across four Arab Gulf countries
Yousra Al-Sinani, Tansin Benn, Mona Al-Ansari, and Eman Gaad

Student's and teachers' responses to a transatlantic sport education league
Peter A. Hastie, Claudio Farias, and David Gutiérrez

Parents as social context in youth sport: A validation of the PASCQ with adolescent Singapore athletes
Wai Cheong Eugene Chew, and Chee Keng John Wang

Report: Physical education and school sport in Europe
Martin Holzweg, Marcos Onofre, Rose-Marie Repond, Katharina Bumm, and Claude Scheuer

Book Reviews / Reports / ISCPES Information

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Table of contents (PDF)


  • Sports Studies
  • ISS
  • Physical Education
  • School Sport
  • Arab Gulf countries


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