Stress and Anxiety. Applications to Health and Well-Being, Work Stressors, and Assessment
Kathleen A. Moore, Krzysztof Kaniasty, Petra Buchwald, Albert Sesé (Hrsg.)
ISBN 978-3-8325-3429-5
227 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2013
Preis: 39.50 €
This collection of peer-reviewed manuscripts brings together 23 chapters written by scholars and researchers from across the world specializing in diverse topics concerning stress, coping, and anxiety. The first part of the book is a selection of chapters addressing the impact of stressful circumstances and potentially traumatic life events on physical and psychological health. Featured next are papers examining different facets of subjective well-being in the context of work environments and occupational stressors. The final part of the volume collectively focuses on theoretical, methodological, and empirical complexities routinely faced by studies investigating anxiety and related outcomes.