
Exploratory Model Comparison

Augsburger Schriften zur Mathematik, Physik und Informatik , Bd. 17

Ralf Seger

ISBN 978-3-8325-2927-7
205 pages, year of publication: 2011
price: 42.00 €
Exploratory Model Comparison
Model inference is often based on a single best models, despite modern computers easily can process many models concurrently. One reason is the manual labour involved. Managing model ensembles can become tedious when performed manually.

This work presents the software design and a prototype that is concerned to facilitate that task. Requirements are discussed and examples given.

Practitioners who do not shy away from interactive ensemble model management will certainly benefit from these ideas.Other readers are welcome to re-check with model ensembles and see the myth of tedious labour dissolving.

cover cover cover cover cover cover cover cover cover
  • Model Ensembles
  • Akaike
  • Model Comparison
  • Information Criteria


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