
International Sports Studies

Vol 33 No. 1 2011

Journal of the International Society for
Comparative Physical Education and Sport

ISBN 978-3-8325-2841-6
64 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2011
Preis: 19.00 €


Current Issues, Problems and Challenges: The Development of Sport in Tanzania, East Africa
Robert Chappell

Reform of Physical Education in China
Xiaozan Wang, Lynn Housner, Liu Ji, Cheryl Torsney, & Felilu Mao

Brawn Drain and Kenyan runners: Increasingly Complex Issues in Sport Labour
Willy Rotich

To Be Seen and Not Heard: The Struggle for the 'Voice' for Coaches in Britain. A Brief Account of the Context, Life Cycle and Demise of the British Association of National Coaches (BANC)
Hamish Telfer

cover cover cover cover cover cover cover cover cover
Inhaltsverzeichnis (PDF)


  • International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport (ISCPES)
  • Physical Education
  • Sports


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