
Self-Calibration of Multi-Camera Systems

Ferid Bajramovic

ISBN 978-3-8325-2736-5
232 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2010
Preis: 37.50 €
Self-Calibration of Multi-Camera Systems
Multi-camera systems play an increasingly important role in computer vision. They enable applications like 3D video reconstruction, motion capture, smart homes, wide area surveillance, etc. Most of these require or benefit from a calibration of the multi-camera system. This book presents a novel approach for automatically estimating that calibration. In contrast to established methods, it neither requires a calibration object nor any user interaction.

From a theoretical point of view, this book also presents and solves the novel graph theoretical problem of finding shortest triangle paths.

Wollen auch Sie Ihre Dissertation veröffentlichen?

cover cover cover cover cover cover cover cover cover
  • image processing
  • calibration
  • graph theory
  • Bildverarbeitung
  • Kalibrierung
  • Graphentheorie


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