
Building and Evaluating Domain Ontologies. NLP Contributions

Gintare Grigonyte

ISBN 978-3-8325-2657-3
2010 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr:
Preis: 46.50 €
Building and Evaluating Domain Ontologies. NLP Contributions
An ontology is a knowledge representation structure made up of concepts and their interrelations. It represents shared understanding delineated by some domain. The building of an ontology can be addressed from the perspective of natural language processing. This thesis discusses the validity and theoretical background of knowledge acquisition from natural language. It also presents the theoretical and experimental framework for NLP-driven ontology building and evaluation tasks.

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cover cover cover cover cover cover cover cover cover
  • knowledge representation structure
  • natural language processing
  • knowledge acquisition
  • ontology building
  • ontology evaluation


46.50 €
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