Studien zum Physik- und Chemielernen, Band 95
An diesem Spannungsfeld setzt die vorgestellte Studie an: anhand eines experimentellen Designs wird der Erwerb von Wissen in lebensweltlichen im Gegensatz zu fachlichen Kontexten evaluiert. Fünf Experimentierphasen dienen als Grundlage, um die Effizienz der jeweiligen Kontexte in Verbindung mit wiederholenden Vernetzungsmaßnahmen zu untersuchen. Die gewählten Messinstrumente ermöglichen hierbei eine detaillierte Beschreibung der Effekte der Interventionsmaßnahmen beim kooperativen Arbeiten im Chemieunterricht.\\
Especially since the weak results of German students in large-scale assessments like PISA, chemistry education has been challenged: It is supposed to bridge the gap between making it relevant to the learner and ensuring that learners acquire enough content knowledge to cope with university demands.
The presented study emanates from this ambiguity by evaluating the acquisition of content knowledge in different contexts. By means of an experimental design, student learning gains in tasks with a real life problem situation are compared to a laboratory setting. A one-week intervention serves as a basis to assess the effects of such contexts in a collaborative and inquiry-based learning environment. The selected test instruments offer the possibility to shed light on differentiated effects of contexts with relation to learner prerequisites.
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