
General Linear Methods for Integrated Circuit Design

Steffen Voigtmann

ISBN 978-3-8325-1353-5
259 pages, year of publication: 2006
price: 40.50 €
Modelling electrical circuits leads to differential algebraic equations (DAEs) having a properly stated leading term. These equations need to be solved numerically, e.g. in case of a transient analysis of the given circuit.

Classical methods such as linear multistep methods or Runge-Kutta schemes suffer from disadvantages that can be overcome by studying general linear schemes. Both Runge-Kutta methods and linear multistep schemes belong to this class as special cases, but there is plenty of room for new methods with improved properties.

This work presents both a detailed study of DAEs in the framework of integrated circuit design and a thorough analysis of general linear methods for these kind of equations. The construction and implementation of general linear methods for DAEs is discussed in detail.

  • Algebro-Differentialgleichungen
  • Numerische Verfahren
  • Algemeine lineare Verfahren
  • Schaltungssimulation


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