Convection and Melting Processes in a Mantle Plume under a Spreading Ridge, with Application to the Iceland Plume
Thomas Ruedas
ISBN 978-3-8325-0627-8
326 pages, year of publication: 2004
price: 40.50 €
Mid-oceanic ridges and plumes are two major types of geodynamic features of
the Earth and contribute significantly to terrestrial volcanism. Especially
strong melt production in the mantle as well as increased crust formation and
volcanic activity at the surface take place where a ridge and a plume
coincide. This study combines a succinct survey of current knowledge on
convection and melting in a plume--ridge setting with several series of
numerical models probing the importance of various parameters for these
processes; predictions of observables are also derived from the models.
Emphasis is put on applications to Iceland, where such a setting is presently
realized, and a geodynamic model for the upper mantle beneath Iceland is