
Supply Chain Analytics. Insights into Contracting and Pricing

Sabrina Bonzelet

ISBN 978-3-8325-5790-4
163 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2024
Preis: 39.00 €
Supply Chain Analytics. Insights into Contracting and Pricing
In today's dynamic retail landscape, escalating costs and frequent price renegotiations pose challenges for supply chain coordination. One of the main roadblocks for coordination is that retailers often end up making less-than-optimal order decisions. These suboptimal choices not only affect their bottom line but the entire supply chain efficiency.

This book addresses how wholesalers can leverage behavioral insights on retailers to design contracts and prices that improve retailers’ order decisions. It explores questions such as how to split supply chain profits, what contract types to select, and how wholesalers can leverage data to tailor prices in an era of big data.

Inhaltsverzeichnis (PDF)

Leseprobe (PDF)


  • Supply Chain Contracting
  • Behavioral Operations Management
  • Supply Chain Coordination
  • B2B Pricing
  • Machine Learning


39.00 €
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