
Uncovering Happiness. A Challenge to Education Systems - illustrated by Contextual Considerations of Public Schooling in Thailand

Hanna Suthamphong

ISBN 978-3-8325-3612-1
397 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2014
Preis: 45.00 €
Uncovering Happiness. A Challenge to Education Systems - illustrated by Contextual Considerations of Public Schooling in Thailand
What is happiness?
How can it be measured in education systems?
Does the Thai public school system promote happiness?

These and related questions are discussed in a unique way. By building on ancient and modern concepts and contexts of happiness as well as personal experiences, the author worked out a new definition of happiness which serves as a base for an innovative measure to evaluate factors that promote and impede happiness in any given school system.

The implementation of this measure may become one of the first steps in supporting the spirit of happiness to enter the educational landscape in Thailand and other countries.

A must-read for educators who are interested to uncover different happiness approaches of the East and West and consider happiness as a new quality indicator for education systems.

Hanna Suthamphong, Ph.D., was born in 1983 in Bangkok/Thailand. Growing up within a German and Thai culture, she focused her studies mainly on education, psychology, and social sciences.

Inhaltsverzeichnis (PDF)


  • Glück
  • Erziehung
  • Bildungsmassstab
  • Positive Psychologie
  • Thai-Schule


45.00 €
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