Spatial use and habitat selection of white-tailed eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) in northern Germany
Friederike Scholz
ISBN 978-3-8325-2700-6
106 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2010
Preis: 35.50 €
One of the most important prerequisites for successful conservation efforts is knowledge on the space and habitat requirements of a species of interest. White-tailed eagles were almost eradicated in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. Owing to extensive conservation efforts the German white-tailed eagle population recovered well in the course of the 20th century. Nevertheless, white-tailed eagles still suffer from various anthropogenic threats. The most important cause of death among white-tailed eagles in Germany are lead intoxications by lead bullet fragments and shot. The overall aim of this dissertation was to investigate the spatial use of adult, territorial white-tailed eagles and to discuss results with respect to habitat management and the lead poisoning problem. In the course of the project eight adult white-tailed eagles were fitted with GPS (Global Positioning System) transmitters in order to examine home range sizes and seasonal patters in home range use and to characterise extraterritorial forays. In a next step, habitat selection patterns of the tracked white-tailed eagles were investigated in detail. Finally, a habitat model and a habitat suitability map were developed using white-tailed eagle distribution data of the federal state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to assess the amount of habitat still available for the expanding white-tailed eagle population.